Tag: good

  • Attitudinal Change Links to Good Governance in Nigeria

    Attitudinal Change Links to Good Governance in Nigeria


    Daily, we are being bombarded by news reports on violence, murder, bloodbath, robberies, kidnapping, terrorism and other criminal acts.

    In truth, despite these challenges, our world with an estimation of seven billion people is slowly and surely moving forward. This is the way I should go.

    It is a global issue and therefore not limited to Nigeria or any of the developing or developed nations of the world.

    Our attitude indeed determines our altitude. Whether for individuals, groups, state, or a nation, the storyline is the same.

    It is not what happens to us, individually or collectively that matters. It is how we react, response to what happen to us, good or bad.

    I got this write from Dula Anthony Mabin, a divisional police transport officer with the Ogoja division of the Nigeria police force in Cross River state, south-south Nigeria.

    Indeed, he is the one that has inspired me to write this article.

    He started by saying that learning is the most consistent aspect of human life, an important measure towards reducing corruption in Nigeria.

    This could be achieved through moral information sharing ethical and attitudinal change for every Nigerian be they young or old, rich or poor, in government or private sector, every reasoning citizen has a stake in this struggle.

    Every Nigerian has a moral base, but corruption has made it such that many don’t subscribe to it in their dealings.

    He insisted that this is the cause of breakdown in ethical norms and values, which are necessary ingredients in building successful communities in our beloved country, Nigeria.

    His words: “Nigeria to truly avert corruption citizens must first of all subscribe to morality ethics, values and norms that support the best civilized standards in business politics culture, military education, social relation and even in family life”.

    It is essential that all citizens are informed of what corruption is and what role each can play in combating corruption. If today’s youth learn about corruption and refrain from it, they would become responsible and accountable when they become public private servants, this is because they already know the dangers of corruption more so the love of the country we must protect the integrity of the country Nigeria.

    If every family is disciplined and given moral values or thought the community and the society will inculcate that value it will be a crime free society and Nigeria at large.

    Family upbringing is very essential as regard to a reasonable society and the country. Our political leaders must set an example of integrity and honesty. Who are the government we borrow the ideas of Switzerland, a country with a free crime society because they believe in the moral culture.


    Source by Emmanuel Udom